In this page, you will find the most important news to read for IAS(UPSC Civil Services) Exam. Help yourself save time by following only the relevant and important news from the civil services and state services exams perspective
- The titles of the important news are listed below
- For standardisation purposes, we follow the Delhi edition of the Hindu newspaper
- In case you do not find a particular news in your edition, search online for the same
List of important news
- Gun rise: Illegal factories in Bihar, Bengal make a killing
- Indus water talks make no headway
- India will extend all help to Rohingya in Myanmar: Shah
- Trade pacts stuck ahead of summit
- The new face of ideological violence
- Tall claims on killing tuberculosis
- Has India got its big cat count right, ask scientists
- N. Korea seeks ‘equilibrium’ with U.S.
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