In this page, you will find the most important news to read for IAS(UPSC Civil Services) Exam. Help yourself save time by following only the relevant and important news from the civil services and state services exams perspective
- The titles of the important news are listed below
- For standardisation purposes, we follow the Delhi edition of the Hindu newspaper
- In case you do not find a particular news in your edition, search online for the same
List of important news
- India gets admission into Wassenaar Arrangement
- Adultery law weighted in favour of men: SC
- President lauds submarine wing for securing trade routes
- A stab in the heart of a peace process(editorial)
- Rights & wrongs(editorial)
- Living in a world of emerging microbial resistance(editorial)
- Tibetan youth plan march for freedom
- End tax exemptions to raise tax-GDP ratio’(Business)
- Pharma sector bats for quality medicine(Business)
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